La Biblia deestudioDiariovivirleproveevaliosainformaciónacercade losprincipalespersonajesbíblicosydetalleshistóricos,geográficos, ycronológicospara quetodolectorobtengaunamejorcomprensióndelcontextoen el quefueescritalaEscritura. Esterecursobíblicoutilizalamejorerudiciónpara responder a lasdudasquesurgenen lavidareal,ayudándoleaaplicarla Palabra de Dios acadasituaciónycircunstanciadesuvidadiaria. Unfavoritopormuchosaños, la Biblia deestudioDiariovivirsiguesiendouna de lasBibliasdeestudiode mayorventaen laactualidad. ThisLife Application Study Bibleprovides valuable information about key Bible characters, as well as book introductions with vital statistics, overviews, and timelines to help the reader gain a deeper understanding of the context in which the Scriptures were written. This Bible resource makes use of the best scholarship to respond to real-life questions, helping the reader apply God’s Word to each situation and circumstance of daily life. A favorite for many years, theLife Application Study Biblecontinues to be one of the most popular study Bibles available today