Journey through the New Testament
90-Day Devotional
By Tim Christoson
Come on a journey through the entire New Testament in this ninety-day devotional guide. From Matthew to Revelation, each daily reading will help you develop a deeper relationship with the Lord and a greater understanding of His Word.
As the very inspired Word of God, the Bible has the power to literally transform our lives. Through Scripture, God reveals Himself to us, exposes our need for Him, and changes us from the inside out. God’s Word not only teaches us what to believe, but it also teaches us who God is and equips us to walk in His ways.
There is no greater journey a Christian can take than a journey through the pages of God’s Word. Each daily section in this guide provides a framework for your Scripture reading, background insights for that passage, and a devotional application for your life. Additionally, space is provided for you to journal your thoughts and responses along the way as God works in your heart through His Word