Over the years as both a layman and a Minister of Education, I have developed the conviction that we need to get Sunday School back to the basics of the game and execute the fundamentals. It is my hope that this book will call us back to our core values. The discipline of executing these six fundamentals will result in a successful, fruitful Sunday School ministry. There is no magic involved in developing a healthy Sunday School - just hard work.
These six core values will manifest themselves in defining and directing our ministry. Individuals and organizations are both defined within the context of their core values. Others know you by what is important to you and lies within your inmost being. Likewise, the two are directed and guided by that which they hold dear because your values are regarded as desirable and worthwhile. Like individuals, a ministry without core values will be easily sidetracked or altogether derailed. Our core values will shape us, for out of our principles come our philosophy and out of our philosophy comes our practices. Core values will help us move from doing things right to doing the right things. They will expose themselves in the litmus tests of setting standards, establishing policies, and making decisions.
Embracing these six core values will make your Sunday School or connection groups manageable, measurable, and moveable!